15  传统机器学习NLP模型

15.1 词袋模型(Bag of Words)

自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP),可以大致分为两个阶段,Transformer 问世前的阶段,和 Transformer 问世后的阶段。

如果想了解 Transformer 问世前的主流的 NLP 技术,不妨读读 Gensim 的官网教程。Gensim 的教程,不仅介绍了 Gensim 的用法,而且系统地介绍了各种主题模型(Topic Models),尤其着重介绍了各种词袋(Bag Of Words,BOW)主题模型,包括 TF-IDF,Latent Semantic Indexing(LSI) 等等。


  • 词袋模型首先会进行分词,
  • 在分词之后,通过统计每个词在文本中出现的次数,我们就可以得到该文本基于词的特征


向量化完毕后一般也会使用TF-IDF进行特征的权重修正,再将特征进行标准化。 再进行一些其他的特征工程后,就可以将数据带入机器学习算法进行分类聚类了。


  • 分词(tokenizing),
  • 统计修订词特征值(counting)
  • 标准化(normalizing)。

与词袋模型非常类似的一个模型是词集模型(Set of Words,简称SoW),和词袋模型唯一的不同是它仅仅考虑词是否在文本中出现,而不考虑词频。也就是一个词在文本中出现1次和多次特征处理是一样的。在大多数时候,我们使用词袋模型,后面的讨论也是以词袋模型为主。


图 15.1 Document Term Matrix
  • Stop words

  • Stemming vs Lemmatizing

  • Bi-gram

  • TF-IDF : \(tf _{ i , j } \times \log \left( \frac { N } { d f _ { i } } \right)\)

  • Corpus trimming

15.2 TF-IDF

在scikit-learn中,有两种方法进行TF-IDF的预处理 https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/classes.html#module-sklearn.feature_extraction.text:

  • 第一种方法是在用CountVectorizer类向量化。
  • 第二种方法是直接用TfidfVectorizer完成向量化与TF-IDF预处理。

15.2.1 count vectors

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
corpus = [
    'This is the first document.',
    'This document is the second document.',
    'And this is the third one.',
    'Is this the first document?',
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)

[[0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]
 [0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1]
 [1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1]
 [0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]]
['and' 'document' 'first' 'is' 'one' 'second' 'the' 'third' 'this']
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(
    ngram_range=(2, 2), # tuple (min_n, max_n)
    # stop_words = stopwords,
    min_df = 0.05, # lower
    max_df = 0.95

X2 = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)
[[0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0]
 [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0]
 [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0]
 [0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1]]
['and this' 'document is' 'first document' 'is the' 'is this'
 'second document' 'the first' 'the second' 'the third' 'third one'
 'this document' 'this is' 'this the']

15.2.2 IDF

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)

(4, 9)

15.2.3 pipe method

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

corpus=["I come to China to travel",
    "This is a car popular in China",
    "I love tea and Apple ",
    "The work is to write some papers in science"]

pipe = Pipeline([('count', CountVectorizer()),
                    ('tfid', TfidfTransformer())]).fit(corpus)

array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]],
[[0.         0.         0.         0.34884223 0.44246214 0.
  0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.
  0.         0.         0.         0.69768446 0.44246214 0.
  0.        ]
 [0.         0.         0.4533864  0.35745504 0.         0.35745504
  0.35745504 0.         0.         0.4533864  0.         0.
  0.         0.         0.4533864  0.         0.         0.
  0.        ]
 [0.5        0.5        0.         0.         0.         0.
  0.         0.5        0.         0.         0.         0.
  0.5        0.         0.         0.         0.         0.
  0.        ]
 [0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.28113163
  0.28113163 0.         0.35657982 0.         0.35657982 0.35657982
  0.         0.35657982 0.         0.28113163 0.         0.35657982
['and' 'apple' 'car' 'china' 'come' 'in' 'is' 'love' 'papers' 'popular'
 'science' 'some' 'tea' 'the' 'this' 'to' 'travel' 'work' 'write']

15.3 topic model

15.3.1 Gensim 介绍

Gensim is a free open-source Python library for representing documents as semantic vectors, as efficiently (computer-wise) and painlessly (human-wise) as possible.

Gensim is designed to process raw, unstructured digital texts (“plain text”) using unsupervised machine learning algorithms.

Gensim 提供了三种词向量算法,包括 Word2Vec,Glove,和 FastText。用 Gensim 生成 FastText 十分方便,以至于有些人把 Gensim 当成专项工具,专门用于生成 FastText 词向量,甚至忽视了 Gensim 的其它功能。

  1. Gensim 官网教程:实际上就是手把手教你编程。
  2. Gensim Tutorial – A Complete Beginners Guide:把 Gensim 的主要功能,基本都涉足了。
  3. 使用 Gensim tf-idf 模型,求文本相似度:中文的教程,重点讲述如何用 TF-IDF 模型搜寻相似文本。

15.3.2 topic model 步骤

Topic Modelling is a technique to extract hidden topics from large volumes of text.

图 15.2 topic model 流程

15.3.3 Topic vs Doc vs Words

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spacy
import pyLDAvis.gensim_models
pyLDAvis.enable_notebook()# Visualise inside a notebook
import gensim
from gensim.corpora.dictionary import Dictionary
from gensim.models import LdaModel,LdaMulticore, CoherenceModel, LsiModel, HdpModel

15.3.4 prepare data

import os
test_data_dir = '{}'.format(os.sep).join([gensim.__path__[0], 'test', 'test_data'])

lee_train_file = test_data_dir + os.sep + 'lee_background.cor'

text = open(lee_train_file).read()
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
my_stop_words = ['say', 'mr', 'Mr', 'said', 'says', 'saying', 'today', 'be']

for stopword in my_stop_words:
    lexeme = nlp.vocab[stopword]
    lexeme.is_stop = True

doc = nlp(text)
# We add some words to the stop word list
texts, article = [], []

for word in doc:

    if word.text != '\n' and not word.is_stop and not word.is_punct and not word.like_num and word.text != 'I':

    if word.text == '\n':
        article = []

Phrases(sentences=None, min_count=5, threshold=10.0, max_vocab_size=40000000, delimiter='_', progress_per=10000, scoring='default', connector_words=frozenset({}))

bigram = gensim.models.phrases.Phrases(texts, )
texts = [bigram[line] for line in texts]

['hundred', 'people', 'force', 'vacate', 'home', 'Southern', 'Highlands', 'New_South', 'Wales', 'strong', 'wind', 'push', 'huge', 'bushfire', 'town', 'Hill', 'new', 'blaze', 'near', 'Goulburn', 'south_west', 'Sydney', 'force', 'closure', 'Hume', 'Highway', '4:00pm', 'AEDT', 'marked', 'deterioration', 'weather', 'storm', 'cell', 'move', 'east', 'Blue_Mountains', 'force', 'authority', 'decision', 'evacuate', 'people', 'home', 'outlying', 'street', 'Hill', 'New_South', 'Wales', 'southern', 'highland', 'estimated', 'resident', 'leave', 'home', 'nearby', 'Mittagong', 'New_South', 'Wales', 'Rural_Fire', 'Service', 'weather_condition', 'cause', 'fire_burn', 'finger', 'formation', 'ease', 'fire', 'unit', 'Hill', 'optimistic', 'defend', 'property', 'blaze', 'burn', 'New', 'Year', 'Eve', 'New_South', 'Wales', 'fire', 'crew', 'call', 'new', 'fire', 'Gunning', 'south', 'Goulburn', 'detail', 'available', 'stage', 'fire', 'authority', 'close', 'Hume', 'Highway', 'direction', 'new', 'fire', 'Sydney', 'west', 'long', 'threaten', 'property', 'Cranebrook', 'area', 'rain', 'fall', 'part', 'Illawarra', 'Sydney', 'Hunter', 'Valley', 'north', 'coast', 'Bureau', 'Meteorology', 'Claire', 'Richards', 'rain', 'little', 'ease', 'fire_burn', 'state', 'fall', 'isolated', 'area', 'generally', 'fall', 'millimetre', 'place', 'significant', 'millimetre', 'relief', 'far', 'rain', 'concern', 'fact', 'probably', 'hamper', 'effort', 'firefighter', 'wind', 'gust', 'associate', 'thunderstorm']

15.3.5 Dictionary and Corpus in Gensim

The two main inputs to the LDA topic model are the dictionary and the corpus:

  • Dictionary: The idea of the dictionary is to give each token a unique ID.
  • Corpus: Having assigned a unique ID to each token, the corpus simply contains each ID and its frequency (if you wanna dive into it, then search for Bag of Word (BoW) which will introduce you to word embedding).
# I will apply the Dictionary Object from Gensim, which maps each word to their unique ID:
dictionary = Dictionary(texts)

You can print the dictionary which will tell you that 8848 unique ID’s were found. We can look at some of the IDs assigned to the tokens:

{'4:00pm': 0, 'AEDT': 1, 'Blue_Mountains': 2, 'Bureau': 3, 'Claire': 4, 'Cranebrook': 5, 'Eve': 6, 'Goulburn': 7, 'Gunning': 8, 'Highlands': 9, 'Highway': 10, 'Hill': 11, 'Hume': 12, 'Hunter': 13, 'Illawarra': 14, 'Meteorology': 15, 'Mittagong': 16, 'New': 17, 'New_South': 18, 'Richards': 19, 'Rural_Fire': 20, 'Service': 21, 'Southern': 22, 'Sydney': 23, 'Valley': 24, 'Wales': 25, 'Year': 26, 'area': 27, 'associate': 28, 'authority': 29, 'available': 30, 'blaze': 31, 'burn': 32, 'bushfire': 33, 'call': 34, 'cause': 35, 'cell': 36, 'close': 37, 'closure': 38, 'coast': 39, 'concern': 40, 'crew': 41, 'decision': 42, 'defend': 43, 'detail': 44, 'deterioration': 45, 'direction': 46, 'ease': 47, 'east': 48, 'effort': 49, 'estimated': 50, 'evacuate': 51, 'fact': 52, 'fall': 53, 'far': 54, 'finger': 55, 'fire': 56, 'fire_burn': 57, 'firefighter': 58, 'force': 59, 'formation': 60, 'generally': 61, 'gust': 62, 'hamper': 63, 'highland': 64, 'home': 65, 'huge': 66, 'hundred': 67, 'isolated': 68, 'leave': 69, 'little': 70, 'long': 71, 'marked': 72, 'millimetre': 73, 'move': 74, 'near': 75, 'nearby': 76, 'new': 77, 'north': 78, 'optimistic': 79, 'outlying': 80, 'part': 81, 'people': 82, 'place': 83, 'probably': 84, 'property': 85, 'push': 86, 'rain': 87, 'relief': 88, 'resident': 89, 'significant': 90, 'south': 91, 'south_west': 92, 'southern': 93, 'stage': 94, 'state': 95, 'storm': 96, 'street': 97, 'strong': 98, 'threaten': 99, 'thunderstorm': 100, 'town': 101, 'unit': 102, 'vacate': 103, 'weather': 104, 'weather_condition': 105, 'west': 106, 'wind': 107, 'December': 108, 'Dora': 109, 'Hafiz': 110, 'India': 111, 'Jaish': 112, 'Karachi': 113, 'Kashmir': 114, 'Kashmiri': 115, 'Lashkar': 116, 'Mohammed': 117, 'Pakistan': 118, 'Police': 119, 'Saeed': 120, 'Srinagar': 121, 'Taiba': 122, 'accuse': 123, 'announce': 124, 'arrest': 125, 'attack': 126, 'base': 127, 'behest': 128, 'border': 129, 'capital': 130, 'carry': 131, 'chief': 132, 'come': 133, 'death': 134, 'diplomatic': 135, 'dozen': 136, 'e': 137, 'encounter': 138, 'escalate': 139, 'extremist': 140, 'group': 141, 'indian': 142, 'intelligence': 143, 'kilometer': 144, 'launch': 145, 'level': 146, 'likely': 147, 'mass': 148, 'militant': 149, 'military': 150, 'mohammad': 151, 'night': 152, 'organisation': 153, 'pakistani': 154, 'parliament': 155, 'police': 156, 'raid': 157, 'sanction': 158, 'security_force': 159, 'see': 160, 'shoot_dead': 161, 'shootout': 162, 'side': 163, 'soar': 164, 'summer': 165, 'suspect': 166, 'take': 167, 'targette': 168, 'tat': 169, 'tension': 170, 'tit': 171, 'trade': 172, 'troop': 173, 'village': 174, 'war': 175, 'yesterday': 176, 'ACT': 177, 'Christmas': 178, 'Northern_Territory': 179, 'Queensland': 180, 'South_Australia': 181, 'Tasmania': 182, 'Victoria': 183, 'Western_Australia': 184, 'fatality': 185, 'few': 186, 'free': 187, 'holiday': 188, 'national': 189, 'people_die': 190, 'period': 191, 'record': 192, 'remain': 193, 'road': 194, 'stand': 195, 'time': 196, 'toll': 197, 'year': 198, 'Aldolfo': 199, 'Argentina': 200, 'March': 201, 'President': 202, 'Puerta': 203, 'Ramon': 204, 'Rodregiuez': 205, 'Saa': 206, 'act': 207, 'agency': 208, 'appoint': 209, 'assume': 210, 'bad': 211, 'caretaker': 212, 'congress': 213, 'crisis': 214, 'currency': 215, 'daunting': 216, 'day': 217, 'debt': 218, 'deepen': 219, 'default': 220, 'economic': 221, 'election': 222, 'end': 223, 'fail': 224, 'fellow': 225, 'follow': 226, 'foreign': 227, 'fresh': 228, 'government': 229, 'interim': 230, 'international': 231, 'isolate': 232, 'job': 233, 'key': 234, 'lawmaker': 235, 'leader': 236, 'lending': 237, 'massive': 238, 'nation': 239, 'office': 240, 'package': 241, 'peronist': 242, 'plan': 243, 'political': 244, 'predecessor': 245, 'presidency': 246, 'president': 247, 'promise': 248, 'quit': 249, 'recession': 250, 'repayment': 251, 'rescue': 252, 'resign': 253, 'resignation': 254, 'role': 255, 'schedule': 256, 'senate': 257, 'senior': 258, 'series': 259, 'stunned': 260, 'support': 261, 'tackle': 262, 'task': 263, 'tell': 264, 'week_ago': 265, 'Area': 266, 'Health': 267, 'Hospital': 268, 'Sherbon': 269, 'Tony': 270, 'Wollongong': 271, 'able': 272, 'action': 273, 'angry': 274, 'annoyed': 275, 'behaviour': 276, 'body': 277, 'care': 278, 'chief_executive': 279, 'concerned': 280, 'conduct': 281, 'consider': 282, 'hospital': 283, 'hour': 284, 'inappropriate': 285, 'investigation': 286, 'involve': 287, 'know': 288, 'labour': 289, 'midwife': 290, 'nitrous': 291, 'occasion': 292, 'officer': 293, 'oxide': 294, 'relocate': 295, 'risk': 296, 'service': 297, 'staff': 298, 'suspend': 299, 'unprofessional': 300, 'use': 301, 'week': 302, 'well': 303, 'woman': 304, 'work': 305, 'Afghanistan': 306, 'Afghans': 307, 'Australia': 308, 'Britain': 309, 'Department': 310, 'Downer': 311, 'Europe': 312, 'Federal_Government': 313, 'Foreign_Affairs': 314, 'Government': 315, 'Immigration': 316, 'Island': 317, 'Kabul': 318, 'Minister_Alexander': 319, 'Nauru': 320, 'Pacific': 321, 'Taliban': 322, 'afghani': 323, 'aircraft': 324, 'airlift': 325, 'application': 326, 'asylum': 327, 'asylum_seeker': 328, 'await': 329, 'chartered': 330, 'claim': 331, 'country': 332, 'deliver': 333, 'detainee': 334, 'environment': 335, 'establish': 336, 'finish': 337, 'flee': 338, 'fly': 339, 'future': 340, 'hold': 341, 'interim_government': 342, 'island': 343, 'major': 344, 'matter': 345, 'operation': 346, 'power': 347, 'process': 348, 'processing': 349, 'refuse': 350, 'return': 351, 'safe': 352, 'secure': 353, 'seek': 354, 'spokesman': 355, 'temporary': 356, 'threat': 357, 'total': 358, 'try': 359, 'visa': 360, '$': 361, 'American': 362, 'Americans': 363, 'Arnaud': 364, 'Burswood': 365, 'Clement': 366, 'Cup': 367, 'Dome': 368, 'Federer': 369, 'France': 370, 'Gambill': 371, 'Hingis': 372, 'Hopman': 373, 'Jan': 374, 'Martina': 375, 'Michael': 376, 'Monica': 377, 'Perth': 378, 'Razzano': 379, 'Roger': 380, 'Seles': 381, 'United_States': 382, 'Virginie': 383, 'aim': 384, 'ascendancy': 385, 'beat': 386, 'bit': 387, 'break': 388, 'chance': 389, 'clash': 390, 'complete': 391, 'contest': 392, 'currently': 393, 'decisive': 394, 'delighted': 395, 'despite': 396, 'determined': 397, 'dollar': 398, 'early': 399, 'event': 400, 'expect': 401, 'fight': 402, 'final': 403, 'frankly': 404, 'gain': 405, 'game': 406, 'get': 407, 'great': 408, 'hard': 409, 'hunger': 410, 'improve': 411, 'junior': 412, 'lead': 413, 'match': 414, 'minute': 415, 'mixed': 416, 'opening': 417, 'opponent': 418, 'overpower': 419, 'pair': 420, 'peak': 421, 'play': 422, 'player': 423, 'position': 424, 'press': 425, 'quickly': 426, 'rank': 427, 'reason': 428, 'recover': 429, 'regain': 430, 'relative': 431, 'row': 432, 'runner': 433, 'score': 434, 'scrapper': 435, 'season': 436, 'set': 437, 'shaky': 438, 'shape': 439, 'single': 440, 'slip': 441, 'slow': 442, 'snatch': 443, 'sport': 444, 'start': 445, 'straight': 446, 'stride': 447, 'strive': 448, 'surprise': 449, 'swiss': 450, 'team': 451, 'tenacious': 452, 'tennis': 453, 'tentative': 454, 'think': 455, 'tough': 456, 'tournament': 457, 'unbeatable': 458, 'unseeded': 459, 'victory': 460, 'want': 461, 'way': 462, 'wear': 463, 'win': 464, 'world': 465, 'year_old': 466, 'Cross': 467, 'K': 468, 'Marathon': 469, 'Melbourne': 470, 'Murray': 471, 'Red': 472, 'River': 473, 'Swan': 474, 'Thursday': 475, 'Yarrawonga': 476, 'Years': 477, 'afternoon': 478, 'battle': 479, 'canoe': 480, 'canoeist': 481, 'celebration': 482, 'condition': 483, 'dusty': 484, 'earn': 485, 'enjoy': 486, 'exhausting': 487, 'gruelle': 488, 'hot': 489, 'kilometre': 490, 'line': 491, 'paddle': 492, 'raise': 493, 'strongly': 494, 'victim': 495, '30': 496, 'Appin': 497, 'Bulaburra': 498, 'Cessnock': 499, 'Commissioner': 500, 'Friday': 501, 'Glenbrook': 502, 'Grafton': 503, 'Great': 504, 'Greater': 505, 'Koperberg': 506, 'Marks': 507, 'Newcastle': 508, 'Phil': 509, 'Shoalhaven': 510, 'Spencer': 511, 'Sullivan': 512, 'Western': 513, 'activity': 514, 'allow': 515, 'bring': 516, 'bureau': 517, 'cancel': 518, 'caution': 519, 'check': 520, 'city': 521, 'community': 522, 'contain': 523, 'containment': 524, 'continue': 525, 'control': 526, 'device': 527, 'drop': 528, 'dry': 529, 'electrical': 530, 'excited': 531, 'favourable': 532, 'fighter': 533, 'firework': 534, 'flank': 535, 'flare': 536, 'forecast': 537, 'give': 538, 'guard': 539, 'high': 540, 'highlands': 541, 'inaccessible': 542, 'incendiary': 543, 'increase': 544, 'large': 545, 'lightne': 546, 'lot': 547, 'low': 548, 'mean': 549, 'mild': 550, 'morning': 551, 'overly': 552, 'overnight': 553, 'pose': 554, 'protect': 555, 'reluctant': 556, 'ring': 557, 'severe': 558, 'spark': 559, 'spend': 560, 'strengthen': 561, 'temperature': 562, 'welcome': 563, 'westerly': 564, 'western': 565, 'will': 566, 'Bulli': 567, 'Color': 568, 'Ferry': 569, 'National': 570, 'Park': 571, 'Penrith': 572, 'Picton': 573, 'Road': 574, 'Robertson': 575, 'Royal': 576, 'Springwood': 577, 'Tops': 578, 'Upper': 579, 'Wilton': 580, 'Wisemans': 581, 'access': 582, 'ask': 583, 'avoid': 584, 'closed': 585, 'dangerous': 586, 'escort': 587, 'limit': 588, 'local': 589, 'motorist': 590, 'reduce': 591, 'reduced': 592, 'smoke': 593, 'speed': 594, 'visibility': 595, 'Boonah': 596, 'Brisbane': 597, 'Coast': 598, 'Ergon': 599, 'Gale': 600, 'Landsborough': 601, 'Nambour': 602, 'Sunshine': 603, 'Toowoomba': 604, 'black': 605, 'car': 606, 'crash': 607, 'damage': 608, 'energex': 609, 'energy': 610, 'fierce': 611, 'house': 612, 'injure': 613, 'inside': 614, 'location': 615, 'person': 616, 'protective': 617, 'repair': 618, 'restore': 619, 'rip': 620, 'send': 621, 'strike': 622, 'supply': 623, 'tarpaulin': 624, 'ten': 625, 'thousand': 626, 'trap': 627, 'tree': 628, 'undergo': 629, 'uproot': 630, 'voltage': 631, 'wild': 632, ' ': 633, 'Alejandro': 634, 'Congress': 635, 'Lima': 636, 'Peru': 637, 'Toledo': 638, 'adjoining': 639, 'apartment': 640, 'architecture': 641, 'beach': 642, 'begin': 643, 'blame': 644, 'block': 645, 'building': 646, 'buy': 647, 'cache': 648, 'colonial': 649, 'crowd': 650, 'cut': 651, 'destroy': 652, 'donate': 653, 'downtown': 654, 'engulf': 655, 'enter': 656, 'era': 657, 'evening': 658, 'exacerbate': 659, 'explode': 660, 'fame': 661, 'flame': 662, 'heritage': 663, 'illegal': 664, 'inquiry': 665, 'kill': 666, 'list': 667, 'market': 668, 'medicine': 669, 'mourning': 670, 'narrow': 671, 'official': 672, 'oversee': 673, 'poor': 674, 'public': 675, 'race': 676, 'shop': 677, 'short': 678, 'spanish': 679, 'storey': 680, 'surround': 681, 'traditional': 682, 'traffic': 683, 'urge': 684, 'vendor': 685, 'Abdul': 686, 'Asian': 687, 'Association': 688, 'Atal': 689, 'Behari': 690, 'Cooperation': 691, 'European': 692, 'Foreign_Minister': 693, 'General': 694, 'Group': 695, 'January': 696, 'Musharraf': 697, 'Nepal': 698, 'Pervez': 699, 'Prime_Minister': 700, 'Regional': 701, 'SAARC': 702, 'Sattar': 703, 'Saturday': 704, 'South': 705, 'Sunday': 706, 'Union': 707, 'Vajpayee': 708, 'accept': 709, 'allegation': 710, 'anybody': 711, 'armed': 712, 'assault': 713, 'beg': 714, 'bloody': 715, 'brewing': 716, 'conflict': 717, 'consequence': 718, 'counter': 719, 'create': 720, 'dangerously': 721, 'defuse': 722, 'deny': 723, 'dialogue': 724, 'dispute': 725, 'domestic': 726, 'eastern': 727, 'eradicate': 728, 'erupt': 729, 'exercise': 730, 'explosive': 731, 'extremism': 732, 'face': 733, 'feeling': 734, 'form': 735, 'fully': 736, 'goal': 737, 'grow': 738, 'harmony': 739, 'hurdle': 740, 'industrialise': 741, 'internal': 742, 'intervention': 743, 'intolerance': 744, 'keep': 745, 'let': 746, 'like': 747, 'mastermind': 748, 'measure': 749, 'meet': 750, 'meeting': 751, 'militancy': 752, 'mount': 753, 'obstacle': 754, 'offer': 755, 'party': 756, 'peace': 757, 'positive': 758, 'potentially': 759, 'prepared': 760, 'provocation': 761, 'receive': 762, 'reject': 763, 'repeat': 764, 'resolve': 765, 'respond': 766, 'restraint': 767, 'rule': 768, 'sideline': 769, 'situation': 770, 'small': 771, 'snowball': 772, 'society': 773, 'soil': 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4768, "O'Sullivan": 4769, 'Opportunity': 4770, 'Rights': 4771, 'Sultan': 4772, 'Villawood': 4773, 'article': 4774, 'can[not': 4775, 'chronic': 4776, 'commendation': 4777, 'depressive': 4778, 'display': 4779, 'distress': 4780, 'fulfill': 4781, 'journal': 4782, 'letter': 4783, 'migration': 4784, 'pen': 4785, 'psychological': 4786, 'casino': 4787, 'expense': 4788, 'gambling': 4789, 'gaming': 4790, 'poker': 4791, 'taxis': 4792, 'Terence': 4793, 'coercion': 4794, 'competitive': 4795, 'stress': 4796, 'summons': 4797, 'witch': 4798, 'Huegill': 4799, 'Klim': 4800, 'better': 4801, 'course': 4802, 'huegill': 4803, 'metre_butterfly': 4804, 'swim': 4805, 'Daka': 4806, 'Democratic': 4807, 'Iffam': 4808, 'incursion': 4809, 'undercover': 4810, 'Chris': 4811, 'Evans': 4812, 'blowout': 4813, 'reprioritise': 4814, 'scrap': 4815, 'spending': 4816, 'undertaking': 4817, 'Afroz': 4818, 'Rialto': 4819, 'Towers': 4820, 'confess': 4821, 'skepticism': 4822, 'untrue': 4823, '3:00pm': 4824, '4:45pm': 4825, '7:00am': 4826, 'CNN': 4827, 'County': 4828, 'Decorative': 4829, 'Donna': 4830, 'Elkhart': 4831, 'Fort': 4832, 'Goshen': 4833, 'Indiana': 4834, 'Millwork': 4835, 'Nu': 4836, 'Rohrer': 4837, 'Sheriff': 4838, 'WNDU': 4839, 'Wayne': 4840, 'Wood': 4841, 'evaluate': 4842, 'lunchtime': 4843, 'shooter': 4844, 'Almao': 4845, 'Amazon': 4846, 'Brazilians': 4847, 'Clark': 4848, 'Denise': 4849, 'Edmund': 4850, 'Hillary': 4851, 'Joyce': 4852, 'Macapa': 4853, 'Seamaster': 4854, 'ambassador': 4855, 'devastate': 4856, 'feels': 4857, 'grudge': 4858, 'hero': 4859, 'impression': 4860, 'okay': 4861, 'pirate': 4862, 'spirited': 4863, 'utmost': 4864, 'Gerber': 4865, 'Markus': 4866, 'Saxet': 4867, 'Saxetbach': 4868, 'deceive': 4869, 'defunct': 4870, 'excursion': 4871, 'flash': 4872, 'flood': 4873, 'gorge': 4874, 'optimism': 4875, 'proof': 4876, 'snap': 4877, 'swamp': 4878, '<': 4879, '>': 4880, 'Archive': 4881, 'Beijing': 4882, 'Diplomacy</i': 4883, 'Gerald': 4884, 'Henry': 4885, 'Jakarta': 4886, 'Kissinger': 4887, 'Portugal': 4888, 'Timorese': 4889, 'Vietnam': 4890, 'autonomy': 4891, 'blizzard': 4892, 'book': 4893, 'cable': 4894, 'classify': 4895, 'colony': 4896, 'conclusively': 4897, 'consign': 4898, 'consistently': 4899, 'deem': 4900, 'drastic': 4901, 'geo': 4902, 'green': 4903, 'happens': 4904, 'oppression': 4905, 'portuguese': 4906, 'regrettable': 4907, 'reply': 4908, 'salvo': 4909, 'stability': 4910, 'Cahill': 4911, 'Darren': 4912, 'Davis': 4913, 'Jason': 4914, 'Stoltenberg': 4915, 'Wimbledon': 4916, 'breakup': 4917, 'dedication': 4918, 'enthusiastic': 4919, 'evolve': 4920, 'finalist': 4921, 'grateful': 4922, 'invaluable': 4923, 'rewarding': 4924, 'skip': 4925, 'talented': 4926, 'Pashtun': 4927, 'Salam': 4928, 'Zaeef': 4929, 'ammunition': 4930, 'bastion': 4931, 'tribe': 4932, 'Advani': 4933, 'Commons': 4934, 'Hindustan': 4935, 'Krishna': 4936, 'Lal': 4937, 'Mumbai': 4938, 'Qaeda': 4939, 'Razzak': 4940, 'Thailand': 4941, 'Times': 4942, 'Trust': 4943, 'card': 4944, 'faces': 4945, 'mention': 4946, 'newspaper': 4947, 'similar': 4948, 'Ethnic': 4949, 'Ghulam': 4950, 'Hassan': 4951, 'Hazara': 4952, 'Solution': 4953, 'bully': 4954, '3:14pm': 4955, '7:14am': 4956, 'Chicago': 4957, 'disgruntled': 4958, 'dispatcher': 4959, 'park': 4960, 'preliminary': 4961, 'Authorities': 4962, 'Sheikh': 4963, 'Yassin': 4964, 'arrange': 4965, 'backdrop': 4966, 'bar': 4967, 'baton': 4968, 'frantic': 4969, 'spiritual': 4970, 'stone': 4971, 'unstable': 4972, 'youth': 4973, '70': 4974, '80': 4975, '90': 4976, 'Macfarlane': 4977, 'Reserve_Bank': 4978, 'calendar': 4979, 'remarkably': 4980, 'ride': 4981, 'Food': 4982, 'GM': 4983, 'Grocery': 4984, 'Head': 4985, 'Hooke': 4986, 'Mitch': 4987, 'association': 4988, 'brand': 4989, 'crop': 4990, 'disrepute': 4991, 'grocery': 4992, 'ingredient': 4993, 'label': 4994, 'modify': 4995, 'product': 4996, 'shelf': 4997, 'sidestep': 4998, 'tangible': 4999, 'Christians': 5000, 'Java': 5001, 'Laskar': 5002, 'Maluka': 5003, 'Militia': 5004, 'Muslims': 5005, 'Sulawesi': 5006, 'Tena': 5007, 'Amazonia': 5008, 'Basin': 5009, 'Calypso': 5010, 'Cousteau': 5011, 'Jour': 5012, 'Jules': 5013, 'OBE': 5014, 'Sportsman': 5015, 'Steinlager': 5016, 'Tour': 5017, 'Trophy': 5018, 'Verne': 5019, 'Whitbread': 5020, 'Whitbreads': 5021, 'Yachtsman': 5022, 'Zealander': 5023, 'accolade': 5024, 'backer': 5025, 'compete': 5026, 'determination': 5027, 'expedition': 5028, 'gifted': 5029, 'inspire': 5030, 'loyalty': 5031, 'meticulous': 5032, 'planner': 5033, 'sailing': 5034, 'sporting': 5035, 'unlimited': 5036, 'voyage': 5037, 'yachting': 5038, 'citizen': 5039, 'specific': 5040, 'California': 5041, 'Campbell': 5042, 'Class': 5043, 'Cody': 5044, 'Forces': 5045, 'Jefferson': 5046, 'Kentucky': 5047, 'Massachusetts': 5048, 'Master': 5049, 'Petithory': 5050, 'Prosser': 5051, 'Special': 5052, 'Staff': 5053, 'Tennessee': 5054, 'misguided': 5055, 'Jabril': 5056, 'Rajoub': 5057, 'amid': 5058, 'behave': 5059, 'bulk': 5060, 'conclude': 5061, 'conclusion': 5062, 'dictate': 5063, 'revere': 5064, 'deter': 5065, 'illegally': 5066, 'ineffective': 5067, 'Brendan': 5068, 'Education': 5069, 'Nelson': 5070, 'Treasurer': 5071, 'advertising': 5072, 'committee': 5073, 'expenditure': 5074, 'pejorative': 5075, 'razor': 5076, 'responsibly': 5077, 'scrutiny': 5078, 'slash': 5079, 'ultimately': 5080, 'waste': 5081, 'analysis': 5082, 'catastrophe': 5083, 'emotional': 5084, 'mistake': 5085, 'natural': 5086, 'sorrow': 5087, 'supervisor': 5088, 'unpredictable': 5089, 'wrongdoing': 5090, 'Administration': 5091, 'Aeronautics': 5092, 'ISS': 5093, 'Raffaello': 5094, 'cargo': 5095, 'docking': 5096, 'en': 5097, 'italian': 5098, 'module': 5099, 'rectify': 5100, 'spacewalk': 5101, 'Creedy': 5102, 'Ed': 5103, 'Elka': 5104, 'Ham': 5105, 'Hass': 5106, 'Jones': 5107, 'Julia': 5108, 'Liesel': 5109, 'Matt': 5110, 'Moses': 5111, 'Rebecca': 5112, 'Ryan': 5113, 'Welsh': 5114, 'awesome': 5115, 'backstroke': 5116, 'breaststroke': 5117, 'champiom': 5118, 'eliminate': 5119, 'elimination': 5120, 'format': 5121, 'freestyle': 5122, 'heater': 5123, 'nail': 5124, 'pool': 5125, 'prizemoney': 5126, 'second': 5127, 'skin': 5128, 'spa': 5129, 'swam': 5130, 'swimming': 5131, 'swum': 5132, 'thermostat': 5133, 'upset': 5134, 'women': 5135, 'Brahimi': 5136, 'Gailani': 5137, 'Hamed': 5138, 'Lakhdar': 5139, 'Peshawar': 5140, 'Qanooni': 5141, 'Sayed': 5142, 'Victori': 5143, 'Yunus': 5144, 'applause': 5145, 'appointment': 5146, 'cement': 5147, 'courage': 5148, 'cry': 5149, 'delegate': 5150, 'delicate': 5151, 'diplomacy': 5152, 'dislodge': 5153, 'evident': 5154, 'interior': 5155, 'king': 5156, 'mix': 5157, 'moderate': 5158, 'negotiator': 5159, 'pave': 5160, 'phrase': 5161, 'proud': 5162, 'signatory': 5163, 'smile': 5164, 'strain': 5165, 'stray': 5166, 'stronghold': 5167, 'sum': 5168, 'sun': 5169, 'transformation': 5170, 'update': 5171, 'whirlwind': 5172, 'LK': 5173, 'confession': 5174, 'hoax': 5175, 'suspicion': 5176, 'verify': 5177, 'conversation': 5178, 'leader_Yasser': 5179, 'rein': 5180, 'rounded': 5181, 'sabotage': 5182, 'undermine': 5183, 'ACA': 5184, 'ACCC': 5185, 'Competition': 5186, 'Consumer': 5187, 'Consumers': 5188, 'Katherine': 5189, 'Wolthuizen': 5190, 'amend': 5191, 'proper': 5192, 'regulate': 5193, 'Austar': 5194, 'Traveland': 5195, 'centrelink': 5196, 'pleasant': 5197, 'shopfront': 5198, 'uncertain': 5199, 'Community': 5200, 'DFAT': 5201, 'Trade': 5202, 'competitiveness': 5203, 'misunderstanding': 5204, 'Counting': 5205, 'Honiara': 5206, 'Solomons': 5207, 'bitter': 5208, 'box': 5209, 'counting': 5210, 'cycle': 5211, 'disintegration': 5212, 'keen': 5213, 'slowly': 5214, 'tampering': 5215, 'prize': 5216, 'Hilton': 5217, 'Hotel': 5218, 'apparent': 5219, 'explosion': 5220, 'installation': 5221, 'Marines': 5222, 'Shah': 5223, 'Zahir': 5224, 'engagement': 5225, 'exiled': 5226, 'govern': 5227, 'royalist': 5228, '1980s': 5229, 'combine': 5230, 'contraction': 5231, 'lender': 5232, 'stall': 5233, 'trading': 5234, 'MacFarlane': 5235, 'McMullan': 5236, 'pickup': 5237, 'seriousness': 5238, 'Templeton': 5239, 'albeit': 5240, 'goalkicker': 5241, 'swan': 5242, 'undue': 5243, 'APRA': 5244, 'Allianz': 5245, 'Lombe': 5246, 'Prudential': 5247, 'Regulation': 5248, 'abruptly': 5249, 'accounting': 5250, 'acquisition': 5251, 'adjourn': 5252, 'apra': 5253, 'conceal': 5254, 'corporate': 5255, 'goodwill': 5256, 'inadequate': 5257, 'intangible': 5258, 'solvency': 5259, 'Bellamack': 5260, 'Complex': 5261, 'Larrakia': 5262, 'Palmerston': 5263, 'Rosebury': 5264, 'Sporting': 5265, 'custodian': 5266, 'developer': 5267, 'lease': 5268, 'lodge': 5269, 'urban': 5270, 'Burhanuddin': 5271, 'Masood': 5272, 'Petersberg': 5273, 'Rabbani': 5274, 'SAS': 5275, 'Wali': 5276, 'composition': 5277, 'instal': 5278, 'intensive': 5279, 'legendary': 5280, 'nominee': 5281, 'observe': 5282, 'oust': 5283, 'signing': 5284, 'tonight': 5285, 'Blair': 5286, 'Brigadier': 5287, 'Erakat': 5288, 'Hubert': 5289, 'Kitrey': 5290, 'Saeb': 5291, 'Salfit': 5292, 'Tulkarem': 5293, 'Vedrine': 5294, 'abroad': 5295, 'accusation': 5296, 'airstrike': 5297, 'amount': 5298, 'argument': 5299, 'brace': 5300, 'denounce': 5301, 'devastating': 5302, 'dispatch': 5303, 'downfall': 5304, 'establishment': 5305, 'fallout': 5306, 'frequent': 5307, 'furious': 5308, 'harassment': 5309, 'hardline': 5310, 'purely': 5311, 'schoolboy': 5312, 'spiral': 5313, 'stabilise': 5314, 'symbol': 5315, 'torpedo': 5316, 'unhurt': 5317, 'weakness': 5318, 'winger': 5319, 'Austrade': 5320, 'Bayliss': 5321, 'Glenn': 5322, 'Maguire': 5323, 'SG': 5324, 'cocoon': 5325, 'consensus': 5326, 'definitive': 5327, 'economist': 5328, 'equity': 5329, 'footing': 5330, 'globe': 5331, 'housing': 5332, 'manufacturing': 5333, 'quarterly': 5334, 'retail': 5335, 'sharply': 5336, 'tick': 5337, 'Ferguson': 5338, 'Fitzgibbon': 5339, 'Joel': 5340, 'archaic': 5341, 'constructive': 5342, 'formula': 5343, 'frontbencher': 5344, 'internally': 5345, 'requirement': 5346, 'scrapping': 5347, 'Badtrans': 5348, 'Goner': 5349, 'McAfee': 5350, 'McAfee.com': 5351, 'Microsoft': 5352, 'Outlook': 5353, 'attachment': 5354, 'badtran': 5355, 'computer': 5356, 'copy': 5357, 'delete': 5358, 'erase': 5359, 'goner': 5360, 'rating': 5361, 'recommend': 5362, 'replicate': 5363, 'software': 5364, 'user': 5365, 'virus': 5366, 'worm': 5367, 'Bernard': 5368, 'Struree': 5369, 'Strureewas': 5370, 'colour': 5371, 'drown': 5372, 'fateful': 5373, 'insight': 5374, 'instruct': 5375, 'notice': 5376, 'sternly': 5377, 'Aquilina': 5378, 'Fair': 5379, 'Fire_Service': 5380, 'Goodin': 5381, 'Hornsby': 5382, 'Laura': 5383, 'SES': 5384, 'Trading': 5385, 'contractor': 5386, 'falsely': 5387, 'householder': 5388, 'sub': 5389, 'tradespeople': 5390, 'unlicensed': 5391, 'Economic': 5392, 'Educational': 5393, 'Masters': 5394, 'OECD': 5395, 'Research': 5396, 'attitude': 5397, 'literacy': 5398, 'mathematical': 5399, 'narrative': 5400, 'negative': 5401, 'storybook': 5402, 'text': 5403, 'Allahabad': 5404, 'Beatle': 5405, 'Beatles': 5406, 'Benares': 5407, 'Dhani': 5408, 'Ganges': 5409, 'Hare': 5410, 'Harrison': 5411, 'Hindu': 5412, 'Hinduism': 5413, 'Hindus': 5414, 'Olivia': 5415, 'Tomorrow': 5416, 'Vrindavan': 5417, 'ashe': 5418, 'bedside': 5419, 'birthplace': 5420, 'closely': 5421, 'curious': 5422, 'devotee': 5423, 'devout': 5424, 'discreet': 5425, 'eternal': 5426, 'ghat': 5427, 'guitarist': 5428, 'immerse': 5429, 'immersion': 5430, 'km': 5431, 'odd': 5432, 'onlooker': 5433, 'platform': 5434, 'prayer': 5435, 'rite': 5436, 'ritual': 5437, 'salvation': 5438, 'sect': 5439, 'symbolise': 5440, 'tightlipped': 5441, 'upstream': 5442, 'vigil': 5443, 'widow': 5444, 'Parore': 5445, 'Robinson': 5446, 'Tasman': 5447, 'Trans': 5448, 'controversial': 5449, 'retain': 5450, 'umpire': 5451, 'zimbabwean': 5452, 'accomplishment': 5453, 'airforce': 5454, 'churn': 5455, 'foist': 5456, 'heliport': 5457, 'liaison': 5458, 'penetrate': 5459, 'reprisal': 5460, 'ruthless': 5461, 'spate': 5462, 'tanzim': 5463, '1:00pm': 5464, 'Albarran': 5465, 'Compensation': 5466, 'Foley': 5467, 'Luke': 5468, 'Travel': 5469, 'annualise': 5470, 'anticipate': 5471, 'approximately': 5472, 'buyer': 5473, 'cease': 5474, 'entitle': 5475, 'exist': 5476, 'franchise': 5477, 'function': 5478, 'liable': 5479, 'lion': 5480, 'redundant': 5481, 'streamline': 5482, 'tad': 5483, 'compose': 5484, 'convene': 5485, 'jirga': 5486, 'loya': 5487, 'permanent': 5488, 'Regulatory': 5489, 'commissioner': 5490, 'extreme': 5491, 'liability': 5492, 'royal': 5493, 'solvently': 5494, 'Gorge': 5495, 'Saxeten': 5496, 'organise': 5497, 'preventable': 5498, 'unforeseeable': 5499, 'Bankstown': 5500, 'Carr': 5501, 'Gunnedah': 5502, 'Hurstville': 5503, 'Liverpool': 5504, 'Pitwater': 5505, 'Tamworth': 5506, 'Wahroonga': 5507, 'bend': 5508, 'came': 5509, 'ferocity': 5510, 'freight': 5511, 'mop': 5512, 'sound': 5513, 'thehuge': 5514, 'uneven': 5515, 'unpredictability': 5516, 'Caird': 5517, 'Wendy': 5518, 'attractive': 5519, 'bankruptcy': 5520, 'cheap': 5521, 'departmental': 5522, 'telecommunication': 5523, 'Hendriks': 5524, 'Jackie': 5525, 'abusive': 5526, 'crude': 5527, 'gesture': 5528, 'language': 5529, 'outburst': 5530, 'referee': 5531, 'Aarage': 5532, 'Amnesty': 5533, 'choice': 5534, 'contravene': 5535, 'excuse': 5536, 'gather': 5537, 'horrifying': 5538, 'humanitarian': 5539, 'interpret': 5540, 'loudspeaker': 5541, 'paramount': 5542, 'practically': 5543, 'squarely': 5544, 'targeting': 5545, 'tragic': 5546, 'violation': 5547, 'Arabia': 5548, 'Chaman': 5549, 'Commander': 5550, 'Hands': 5551, 'Lali': 5552, 'Libya': 5553, 'Nangarhar': 5554, 'Torkotal': 5555, 'abdomen': 5556, 'column': 5557, 'cranking': 5558, 'frequency': 5559, 'hamstring': 5560, 'lieutenant': 5561, 'noon': 5562, 'strap': 5563, 'Megawati': 5564, 'Sukarnoputri': 5565, 'bilateral': 5566, 'congratulatory': 5567, 'smuggle': 5568, 'Anderson': 5569, 'Bracks': 5570, 'Lew': 5571, 'aviation': 5572, 'businessman': 5573, 'competitor': 5574, 'Campbeltown': 5575, 'Debus': 5576, 'Forest': 5577, 'Frenches': 5578, 'Ives': 5579, 'Kurringai': 5580, 'Leete': 5581, 'Quirindi': 5582, 'Turramurra': 5583, 'Warringah': 5584, 'arrangement': 5585, 'complicated': 5586, 'earnest': 5587, 'electricity': 5588, 'extensively': 5589, 'gale': 5590, 'loan': 5591, 'reconnect': 5592, 'refund': 5593, 'reserve': 5594, 'welfare': 5595, 'Owen': 5596, 'adversely': 5597, 'ample': 5598, 'confidentiality': 5599, 'fairness': 5600, 'prudential': 5601, 'relevant': 5602, 'unequivocally': 5603, '9:30pm': 5604, 'Dovedales': 5605, 'Elsie': 5606, 'Fab': 5607, 'Gerry': 5608, 'Juniors': 5609, 'Leanne': 5610, 'McCormack': 5611, 'Silent': 5612, 'Sweet': 5613, 'brave': 5614, 'candlelight': 5615, 'cavalcade': 5616, 'cold': 5617, 'craze': 5618, 'famous': 5619, 'guitar': 5620, 'hometown': 5621, 'lucky': 5622, 'million': 5623, 'music': 5624, 'musician': 5625, 'recording': 5626, 'silence': 5627, 'throng': 5628, 'university': 5629, 'Buchanan': 5630, 'Kiwi': 5631, 'Lunchtime': 5632, 'disciplinary': 5633, 'dressing': 5634, 'misconduct': 5635, 'reassess': 5636, 'Haniya': 5637, 'Ismail': 5638, 'Shanab': 5639, 'net': 5640, 'warrant': 5641, '6b': 5642, 'Commissions': 5643, 'adhere': 5644, 'auditor': 5645, 'circulate': 5646, 'confidential': 5647, 'content': 5648, 'disclose': 5649, 'strict': 5650, 'Eslake': 5651, 'Index': 5652, 'Internet': 5653, 'Job': 5654, 'Olivier': 5655, 'Recruitment': 5656, 'Saul': 5657, 'advertise': 5658, 'advertisement': 5659, 'cyberspace': 5660, 'daily': 5661, 'indicator': 5662, 'justification': 5663, 'Bourne': 5664, 'Democrats': 5665, 'Greens': 5666, 'Kerry': 5667, 'Nettle': 5668, 'Senator': 5669, 'Vicki': 5670, 'canyone': 5671, 'defunctoperator': 5672, 'inexperienced': 5673, 'provision': 5674, 'Jeff': 5675, 'McDonald': 5676, 'accelerate': 5677, 'chain': 5678, 'financially': 5679, 'subsidiary': 5680, 'Arthurs': 5681, 'Australain': 5682, 'Escude': 5683, 'Fitzgerald': 5684, 'Forget': 5685, 'Guy': 5686, 'Nice': 5687, 'Nicholas': 5688, 'Pat': 5689, 'Rafter': 5690, 'Todd': 5691, 'Woodbridge': 5692, 'bitterly': 5693, 'character': 5694, 'dream': 5695, 'exciting': 5696, 'harsh': 5697, 'indefinite': 5698, 'offical': 5699, 'partisan': 5700, 'recur': 5701, 'rubber': 5702, 'tired': 5703, 'triple': 5704, 'unbelievably': 5705, 'CBS': 5706, 'Defense': 5707, 'W.': 5708, 'saudi': 5709, 'status': 5710, 'BIS': 5711, 'BankSA': 5712, 'Shrapnel': 5713, 'Trends': 5714, 'bulletin': 5715, 'capable': 5716, 'forecasting': 5717, 'immunity': 5718, 'necessarily': 5719, 'normally': 5720, 'pattern': 5721, 'stable': 5722, 'Keelty': 5723, 'Mick': 5724, 'Naeil': 5725, 'coordinated': 5726, 'malaysian': 5727, 'transnational': 5728, 'Assisting': 5729, 'Dickie': 5730, 'Investments': 5731, 'procedural': 5732, 'reference': 5733, 'subpoena': 5734, 'Corowa': 5735, 'Walter': 5736, 'constitutional': 5737, 'historian': 5738, 'plebiscite': 5739, 'referendum': 5740, 'renew': 5741, 'cow': 5742, 'dairy': 5743, 'incinerate': 5744, 'mad': 5745, 'meat': 5746, 'ministerial': 5747, 'organ': 5748, 'Gould': 5749, 'Power': 5750, 'Unions': 5751, 'compulsory': 5752, 'frustrating': 5753, 'producer': 5754, 'adjournment': 5755, 'deadlocke': 5756, 'objection': 5757, 'sizeable': 5758, '1960': 5759, 'McCartney': 5760, 'Sun': 5761, 'Taxman': 5762, 'UK': 5763, 'beatle': 5764, 'beset': 5765, 'famously': 5766, 'intruder': 5767, 'limelight': 5768, 'mysticism': 5769, 'phenomenal': 5770, 'plagiarism': 5771, 'racing': 5772, 'reformation': 5773, 'resentment': 5774, 'sneak': 5775, 'songwriter': 5776, 'stabbing': 5777, 'successfully': 5778, 'sue': 5779, 'throat': 5780, 'underage': 5781, 'vinyl': 5782, 'Rob': 5783, 'Sherrard': 5784, 'basically': 5785, 'marquee': 5786, 'tent': 5787, 'terminate': 5788, 'unwind': 5789, 'Advance': 5790, 'Cell': 5791, 'Congressmen': 5792, 'George_W': 5793, 'Parkinson': 5794, 'Technologies': 5795, 'brain': 5796, 'clone': 5797, 'cloning': 5798, 'excess': 5799, 'indistinguishable': 5800, 'inject': 5801, 'mouse': 5802, 'precursor': 5803, 'recrimination': 5804, 'tissue': 5805, 'variety': 5806, 'Eastern': 5807, 'Soviet': 5808, 'Ukraine': 5809, 'annually': 5810, 'epidemic': 5811, 'insecurity': 5812, 'steep': 5813, 'Liberal': 5814, 'Liberals': 5815, 'Stone': 5816, 'amalgamation': 5817, 'categorically': 5818, 'merge': 5819, 'merger': 5820, 'muscle': 5821, 'BedeHarris': 5822, 'Centenary': 5823, 'academic': 5824, 'codification': 5825, 'consult': 5826, 'federation': 5827, 'lecturer': 5828, 'monarchy': 5829, 'opporunity': 5830, 'referenda': 5831}

I will filter out low-frequency and high-frequency tokens, also limit the vocabulary to a max of 1000 words:

dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=5, no_above=0.5, keep_n=1000)
  • No_below: Tokens that appear in less than 5 documents are filtered out.
  • No_above: Tokens that appear in more than 50% of the total corpus are also removed as default.
  • Keep_n: We limit ourselves to the top 1000 most frequent tokens (default is 100.000). Set to ‘None’ if you want to keep all.

We are now ready to construct the corpus using the dictionary from above and the doc2bow function. The function doc2bow() simply counts the number of occurrences of each distinct word, converts the word to its integer word id and returns the result as a sparse vector:

corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]
[(45, 1), (53, 1), (60, 1), (62, 1), (63, 1), (75, 1), (76, 4), (77, 1), (78, 3), (79, 1), (80, 3), (81, 1), (82, 2), (83, 2), (84, 1), (85, 1), (86, 1), (87, 1), (88, 1), (89, 1), (90, 1), (91, 1), (92, 1), (93, 1), (94, 1), (95, 2), (96, 1), (97, 1), (98, 1), (99, 1), (100, 1), (101, 1), (102, 3), (103, 3), (104, 1), (105, 1), (106, 2), (107, 1), (108, 2), (109, 1), (110, 1), (111, 1), (112, 1), (113, 1), (114, 1), (115, 2), (116, 1), (117, 1), (118, 1), (119, 1)]

15.3.6 Model building

The next step is to train the unsupervised machine learning model on the data. I choose to work with the LdaMulticore, which uses all CPU cores to parallelize and speed up model training. If this doesn’t work for you for some reason, try the gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel class which is an equivalent, but more straightforward and single-core implementation.

When inserting our corpus into the topic modelling algorithm, the corpus gets analyzed in order to find the distribution of words in each topic and the distribution of topics in each document. #### LSI - Latent Semantic Indexing

LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing - It is a popular information retreival method which works by decomposing the original matrix of words to maintain key topics.

lsi_model = LsiModel(corpus=corpus, num_topics=10, id2word=dictionary)
C:\Users\xinlu\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\gensim\models\lsimodel.py:963: DeprecationWarning:

Please use `csc_matvecs` from the `scipy.sparse` namespace, the `scipy.sparse.sparsetools` namespace is deprecated.
  '-0.242*"israeli" + -0.221*"Arafat" + -0.207*"palestinian" + -0.181*"force" + -0.163*"official" + -0.162*"kill" + -0.155*"attack" + -0.143*"people" + -0.122*"day" + -0.120*"Israel"'),
  '-0.316*"israeli" + -0.307*"Arafat" + -0.282*"palestinian" + 0.177*"Afghanistan" + 0.164*"Australia" + -0.164*"Sharon" + -0.157*"Israel" + -0.131*"Hamas" + 0.129*"force" + -0.125*"West_Bank"'),
  '0.269*"Afghanistan" + -0.242*"fire" + 0.222*"force" + 0.188*"Al_Qaeda" + -0.178*"Sydney" + 0.173*"bin_Laden" + 0.157*"Pakistan" + 0.133*"Taliban" + 0.133*"Tora_Bora" + 0.130*"fighter"'),
  '0.377*"fire" + 0.279*"area" + -0.238*"Australia" + 0.190*"Sydney" + 0.177*"firefighter" + 0.155*"north" + 0.147*"wind" + 0.131*"south" + 0.129*"New_South" + 0.129*"Wales"'),
  '0.282*"company" + 0.258*"Qantas" + 0.210*"union" + -0.197*"test" + 0.179*"worker" + -0.172*"win" + -0.165*"match" + -0.149*"South_Africa" + -0.136*"play" + -0.124*"day"')]

HDP - Hierarchical Drichlet Process

HDP, the Hierarchical Drichlet Process is an unsupervised topic model which figures out the number of topics on it’s own.

hdp_model = HdpModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary)
  '0.006*criticism + 0.005*Government + 0.005*play + 0.005*australian + 0.004*successful + 0.004*israeli + 0.004*group + 0.004*Palestinian_Authority + 0.004*match + 0.004*decision + 0.004*Federal_Government + 0.004*Afghanistan + 0.004*team + 0.004*September_attack + 0.004*Australia + 0.003*Sharon + 0.003*responsibility + 0.003*israeli_Prime + 0.003*Hamas + 0.003*explosive'),
  '0.006*Israel + 0.005*deadly + 0.005*call + 0.005*campaign + 0.005*Williams + 0.005*Parliament + 0.005*track + 0.005*court + 0.005*Sydney + 0.004*wind + 0.004*union + 0.004*population + 0.004*New + 0.004*Defence_Secretary + 0.004*budget + 0.004*Senator_Hill + 0.004*Pentagon + 0.004*mission + 0.004*report + 0.004*result'),
  '0.010*decision + 0.008*camp + 0.006*edge + 0.006*see + 0.005*Rural_Fire + 0.005*suffer + 0.005*protect + 0.005*work + 0.005*sign + 0.004*vote + 0.004*October + 0.004*victory + 0.004*life + 0.004*current + 0.004*twice + 0.004*holiday + 0.004*chance + 0.004*match + 0.004*policy + 0.004*violence'),
  '0.009*Gaza + 0.007*disaster + 0.006*non + 0.006*HIH + 0.006*Police + 0.005*treat + 0.005*eastern + 0.005*future + 0.005*Arafat + 0.005*Jihad + 0.005*nearly + 0.004*case + 0.004*avoid + 0.004*feel + 0.004*road + 0.004*community + 0.004*israeli + 0.004*Sharon + 0.004*hope + 0.004*include'),
  '0.006*city + 0.006*family + 0.006*HIH + 0.005*end + 0.005*want + 0.005*schedule + 0.005*future + 0.005*company + 0.004*helicopter + 0.004*contain + 0.004*weekend + 0.004*suspend + 0.004*maintenance_worker + 0.004*director + 0.004*face + 0.004*negotiate + 0.004*responsibility + 0.004*drive + 0.004*camp + 0.004*official'),
  '0.007*lot + 0.006*deadly + 0.006*survive + 0.006*challenge + 0.006*attack_Israel + 0.005*management + 0.005*Gaza + 0.005*firm + 0.005*political + 0.005*violence + 0.005*World_Trade + 0.005*industrial_action + 0.005*Defence + 0.004*accident + 0.004*stop + 0.004*Argentina + 0.004*security_force + 0.004*aim + 0.004*inquiry + 0.004*National'),
  '0.006*storm + 0.006*determine + 0.006*damage + 0.006*final + 0.005*insurance + 0.005*clearly + 0.005*Wales + 0.005*land + 0.005*Andy_Bichel + 0.005*relate + 0.005*today + 0.004*establish + 0.004*victory + 0.004*allegation + 0.004*french + 0.004*press + 0.004*December + 0.004*change + 0.004*New_York + 0.004*Government'),
  '0.007*defend + 0.006*situation + 0.005*Americans + 0.004*Lee + 0.004*fight_alongside + 0.004*sponsor + 0.004*official + 0.004*serve + 0.004*receive + 0.004*sign + 0.004*challenge + 0.004*Victoria + 0.004*plane + 0.004*peace + 0.004*responsible + 0.004*Thursday + 0.004*accept + 0.004*Glenn_McGrath + 0.004*strike + 0.004*large'),
  '0.009*bill + 0.008*week_ago + 0.007*bomb + 0.007*detail + 0.006*confident + 0.006*water + 0.005*express + 0.005*face + 0.005*respond + 0.005*Commission + 0.005*September_attack + 0.004*Anthony_Zinni + 0.004*current + 0.004*south_african + 0.004*press + 0.004*person + 0.004*conflict + 0.004*war + 0.004*federal + 0.004*assist'),
  '0.007*airport + 0.006*area + 0.006*term + 0.005*opposition + 0.005*Taliban + 0.004*search + 0.004*south_west + 0.004*match + 0.004*warplane + 0.004*safety + 0.004*world + 0.004*disaster + 0.004*impact + 0.004*HIH + 0.004*palestinian_leader + 0.004*resign + 0.004*mass + 0.004*Kandahar + 0.004*prisoner + 0.004*little'),
  '0.007*bombing + 0.006*matter + 0.006*Eve + 0.006*Waugh + 0.005*international + 0.005*court + 0.005*crackdown + 0.005*weather_condition + 0.005*guard + 0.005*islamic + 0.005*television + 0.005*able + 0.005*Peter + 0.004*foreign + 0.004*shortly + 0.004*ready + 0.004*passenger + 0.004*stand + 0.004*director + 0.004*suspend'),
  '0.006*war + 0.006*Australian + 0.005*think + 0.005*Kandahar + 0.005*significant + 0.005*sponsor + 0.005*office + 0.005*deliver + 0.005*rule + 0.004*foreign + 0.004*deadly + 0.004*service + 0.004*deploy + 0.004*probably + 0.004*serve + 0.004*organisation + 0.004*reach + 0.004*ceremony + 0.004*suicide_bomber + 0.004*$'),
  '0.007*Shane + 0.007*Israelis + 0.007*structure + 0.006*survive + 0.006*safety + 0.006*Defence_Secretary + 0.006*fire_burn + 0.005*David + 0.005*resign + 0.005*France + 0.005*question + 0.005*south + 0.005*death + 0.005*resident + 0.005*seek + 0.004*Commonwealth + 0.004*Brisbane + 0.004*west + 0.004*facility + 0.004*source'),
  '0.007*catch + 0.006*well + 0.006*Wales + 0.006*Attorney_General + 0.005*investigation + 0.005*move + 0.005*annual + 0.005*question + 0.005*area + 0.005*Peter + 0.005*shoot_dead + 0.005*training + 0.004*collapse + 0.004*source + 0.004*discuss + 0.004*attempt + 0.004*Royal + 0.004*World + 0.004*surrender + 0.004*blame'),
  '0.007*australian_cricket + 0.007*right + 0.006*agree + 0.006*initial + 0.006*major + 0.005*passenger + 0.005*community + 0.005*edge + 0.005*person + 0.004*protect + 0.004*radical + 0.004*structure + 0.004*stage + 0.004*television + 0.004*negotiation + 0.004*life + 0.004*security_force + 0.004*firm + 0.004*al + 0.004*circumstance'),
  '0.011*wave + 0.006*move + 0.006*address + 0.005*raise + 0.005*facility + 0.005*evidence + 0.005*financial + 0.005*March + 0.005*election + 0.005*champion + 0.005*continue + 0.004*toll + 0.004*commission + 0.004*leg + 0.004*resign + 0.004*role + 0.004*conduct + 0.004*word + 0.004*system + 0.004*offer'),
  '0.006*company + 0.005*captain + 0.005*level + 0.005*understand + 0.005*man + 0.005*rival + 0.004*concern + 0.004*board + 0.004*represent + 0.004*carry + 0.004*Queensland + 0.004*detail + 0.004*feel + 0.004*blame + 0.004*well + 0.004*Britain + 0.004*Brisbane + 0.004*Australian + 0.004*role + 0.004*spend'),
  '0.007*prove + 0.006*well + 0.006*Highway + 0.006*Martin + 0.006*nearby + 0.005*Michael + 0.005*task + 0.005*growth + 0.005*package + 0.005*escalate + 0.005*serve + 0.005*grant + 0.004*figure + 0.004*expert + 0.004*Andy_Bichel + 0.004*conduct + 0.004*batsman + 0.004*big + 0.004*state + 0.004*military'),
  '0.011*area + 0.008*AFP + 0.007*arrest + 0.006*political + 0.006*release + 0.006*station + 0.006*later + 0.005*television + 0.005*issue + 0.005*Mark + 0.005*flee + 0.005*official + 0.005*prepare + 0.005*target + 0.005*suspend + 0.004*coast + 0.004*night + 0.004*death + 0.004*decade + 0.004*injure'),
  '0.008*election + 0.006*part + 0.005*light + 0.005*announce + 0.005*victory + 0.005*Parliament + 0.005*principle + 0.005*confidence + 0.004*woman + 0.004*get + 0.004*Argentina + 0.004*batsman + 0.004*well + 0.004*campaign + 0.004*final + 0.004*sweep + 0.004*HIH + 0.004*mass + 0.004*Mark + 0.004*palestinian_security')]

LDA - Latent Dirchlet Allocation

LDA, or Latent Dirchlet Allocation is arguably the most famous topic modeling algorithm out there. Out here we create a simple topic model with 10 topics.

lda_model = LdaModel(corpus=corpus, num_topics=10, id2word=dictionary)
  '0.009*"Pakistan" + 0.008*"claim" + 0.008*"year" + 0.006*"Afghanistan" + 0.006*" " + 0.006*"give" + 0.006*"force" + 0.006*"attack" + 0.005*"day" + 0.005*"report"'),
  '0.015*"people" + 0.010*"kill" + 0.007*"company" + 0.007*"day" + 0.006*"fire" + 0.006*"near" + 0.006*"staff" + 0.006*"israeli" + 0.005*"include" + 0.005*"come"'),
  '0.010*"people" + 0.009*"month" + 0.009*"arrest" + 0.007*"israeli" + 0.007*"year" + 0.007*"day" + 0.007*"area" + 0.006*"Afghanistan" + 0.006*"palestinian" + 0.006*"United_States"'),
  '0.008*"Qantas" + 0.007*"government" + 0.006*"Taliban" + 0.006*"Pakistan" + 0.006*"area" + 0.006*"police" + 0.005*"cent" + 0.005*"day" + 0.005*"new" + 0.005*"year"'),
  '0.017*"Australia" + 0.010*"people" + 0.009*"man" + 0.008*"force" + 0.007*"year" + 0.007*"australian" + 0.006*"official" + 0.006*"report" + 0.006*"new" + 0.006*"cent"'),
  '0.011*"company" + 0.009*"day" + 0.009*"fire" + 0.008*"test" + 0.007*"australian" + 0.007*"play" + 0.007*"think" + 0.007*"Sydney" + 0.006*"team" + 0.006*"start"'),
  '0.009*"report" + 0.007*"government" + 0.007*"detainee" + 0.006*"year" + 0.006*"run" + 0.006*"time" + 0.006*"day" + 0.006*"people" + 0.006*"think" + 0.005*"fire"'),
  '0.018*"Australia" + 0.011*"wicket" + 0.010*"day" + 0.010*"South_Africa" + 0.010*"israeli" + 0.009*"palestinian" + 0.009*"attack" + 0.009*"test" + 0.008*"take" + 0.008*"Arafat"'),
  '0.008*"metre" + 0.006*"year" + 0.006*"hour" + 0.006*"tell" + 0.006*"kill" + 0.005*"group" + 0.005*"company" + 0.005*"attack" + 0.005*"win" + 0.005*"palestinian"'),
  '0.012*"force" + 0.009*"Arafat" + 0.008*"israeli" + 0.007*"Afghanistan" + 0.007*"new" + 0.007*"australian" + 0.006*"attack" + 0.006*"believe" + 0.006*"palestinian" + 0.006*"people"')]

15.3.7 pyLDAvis

Python library for interactive topic model visualization. This is a port of the fabulous R package by Carson Sievert and Kenny Shirley.

pyLDAvis is designed to help users interpret the topics in a topic model that has been fit to a corpus of text data. The package extracts information from a fitted LDA topic model to inform an interactive web-based visualization.

The visualization is intended to be used within an IPython notebook but can also be saved to a stand-alone HTML file for easy sharing.

import pyLDAvis.gensim

pyLDAvis.gensim.prepare(lda_model, corpus, dictionary)
C:\Users\xinlu\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyLDAvis\_prepare.py:243: FutureWarning:

In a future version of pandas all arguments of DataFrame.drop except for the argument 'labels' will be keyword-only.
  1. Topics on the left while their respective keywords are on the right.
  2. Larger topics are more frequent and closer the topics, mor the similarity
  3. Selection of keywords is based on their frequency and discriminancy.

15.4 BERTopic



The default embedding model is all-MiniLM-L6-v2 when selecting language=“english” and paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2 when selecting language=“multilingual”.

import spacy
from bertopic import BERTopic
docs = [" ".join(text) for text in texts]
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
#| column: screen-inset-right
fig = topic_model.visualize_topics()

15.5 其他资源

15.5.1 tomotopy



tomotopy is a Python extension of tomoto (Topic Modeling Tool) which is a Gibbs-sampling based topic model library written in C++. It utilizes a vectorization of modern CPUs for maximizing speed. The current version of tomoto supports several major topic models including

  • Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDAModel)
  • Labeled LDA (LLDAModel)
  • Partially Labeled LDA (PLDAModel)
  • Supervised LDA (SLDAModel)
  • Dirichlet Multinomial Regression (DMRModel)
  • Generalized Dirichlet Multinomial Regression (GDMRModel)
  • Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDPModel)
  • Hierarchical LDA (HLDAModel)
  • Multi Grain LDA (MGLDAModel)
  • Pachinko Allocation (PAModel)
  • Hierarchical PA (HPAModel)
  • Correlated Topic Model (CTModel)
  • Dynamic Topic Model (DTModel)
  • Pseudo-document based Topic Model (PTModel).

15.5.2 cntext




  • stats文本统计指标
    • 词频统计
    • 可读性
    • 内置pkl词典
    • 情感分析
  • dictionary 构建词表(典)
    • Sopmi 互信息扩充词典法
    • W2Vmodels 词向量扩充词典法
    • Glove词向量模型
  • similarity 文本相似度
    • cosine相似度
    • jaccard相似度
    • 编辑距离相似度
  • mind.py计算文本中的认知方向(态度、偏见)